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FreeYENİLGİ" Dekoratif Beton Levha

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18 USD

The most primitive impulse of humanity, war, defeat and superiority phenomenon is seen at all turning points of the universe. Could it be that we learned these impulses from animals? From the perspective of the primitive life, the feelings of fight and defeat are engraved on this stone. Primitives were at the ground zero of making sense of the world. Understanding them was not as easy as empathizing. Primitives designing the existence of the present have given direction to today's art. This product acts as a link from the future they shed light to the past. How do the products do this? Going beyond empathizing with them and experiencing them. Yes, this work, which will decorate your homes or offices, lives and keeps the primitives alive. It is designed to present tradition and innovation to you aesthetically, by combining the events they deal with and today's perception.

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