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6013 مشاهدة

مستلزمات منزلية

Anti Slip Pad

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  • 6013 مشاهدة

19 دولار

Anti Shock and Anti Slip Pad for Household Appliances YOU’LL NEVER HAVE TO PUSH YOUR WASHER BACK INTO PLACE Our innovative Dual HexaGrip design provides stronger traction from the top & bottom of each pad; preventing your vibrating washer from walking, skidding & moving; Our grip technology provides up to 60% more pad surface area in direct contact with your floor; significantly increasing floor friction compared to similar pads; Our unique top side grip provides extra hold on the feet of your appliance; further minimizing movement & shaking KEEPS PEACE & QUIET DURING LAUNDRY TIME Our premium material provides remarkable sound and vibration absorption ensuring a still & silent laundry time; Our heavy duty material isolates noise; dampens vibrations & absorbs shocks from your appliance to prevent transfer of noise and vibrations to your floor and the rest of your home; PROTECTS FLOORS & APPLIANCES This shock absorber for vibrating appliances; protects floors from scuffs and scratches and the appliance itself from damage Anti Shock and Anti Slip Pad for Household Appliances Suitable for Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Etc

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