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4229 مشاهدة

مستلزمات منزلية

Magnolia Breakfast Set 21 Pieces

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  • 4229 مشاهدة

210 دولار

Item Code : Qsale J-Susan Unique Keramika Magnolia 21-piece 4-person breakfast set, where eye-catching flower patterns come together with soft colors, will bring joy to your tables.. Your guests will not be able to take their eyes off your tables with this set that will turn your tables into flower gardens.. You can choose this breakfast set as a special gift or to offer your loved ones a nice Sunday breakfast. Product Content; *4 units (HE) = 20 cm Cake Plate *4 units (HE) = 13 cm Snack / Sauce Bowl *4 Pieces = 8 cm Ovary *1 Piece = 33x17 cm Kayak *4 Pieces = 11 cm Tea Plate *4 Pieces = Glass Tea Cups • Product Structure: Mast • Material: Stoneware / Earthenware • Colors and print do not fade. • It can be used in microwave ovens. • Easy to clean, does not contain germs. • It can be washed in the dishwasher at 50°C. • It has a completely healthy and ecological material structure.

عرض المزيد
بلد المنتج:
مدة التوصيل:
7-20 days

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إضافة تقييم جديد
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