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Office Furniture

Office Chair

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3688 USD

Product Info Sitting in one spot for extended periods of time is never a good thing, as it can severely affect your spine as well as your lower back area. If your job requires you to sit still for long hours, the RH Secu24 Exclusive 24/7 chair is here to the rescue! Designed for office workers who have to work with VDUs, this chair features extra-thick cushions that will remodel themselves to your body shape and size the moment you sit on the chair. The chair will also track your every movement to ensure that every point of your back receives ample support. This chair also features a simplified control system that allows you to change the tilt angle and the height of the chair with ease. Even better is the fact that this control system is designed for both right-handers and left-handers, making sure that everyone can control their chair with ease. The chair features easy-to-clean and dirt-resistant upholstery, so you will not have to clean the chair regularly. This chair is also made from heavy-duty materials that help it to last for a long time, making sure that you will not have to worry about constantly buying replacements.

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