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يعد جهاز Jar Test LBD 6 Provas Flocculation Agitator من المعدات عالية الدقة والأداء، ويستخدم لتحسين التشغيل في محطات معالجة المياه. من خلال التطبيق المتزامن لمواد التخثر والبوليمرات، يقلل اختبار Jar T

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2707 USD

The Jar Test LBD 6 Provas Flocculation Agitator is high precision and performance equipment, used to optimize the operation in water treatment plants. With the simultaneous applicator of coagulants and polymers, the Jar Test LBD reduces chemical product costs and improves the quality of produced water. The exclusive jars made of transparent acrylic and the fixing and centering system guarantee precise and reliable results.

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