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30736 USD

Product details SMC HRSH250-AF-40 THERMO CHILLER HRSH, Large Capacity, High Efficiency Inverter Chiller, Air-cooled 400VAC Technical specifications ATTRIBUTES MATERIAL Stainless Steel;Copper (Heat Exchanger Brazing);Brass;Bronze;Polyethylene;Polyoxymethylene;Fluorinated Carbon-Based Synthetic Rubber;Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer;Polyvinyl Chloride;Polytetrafluoroethylene;Polyurethane;Nitrile Butadiene Rubber;Natural Rubber THREADING DIAMETER (INCH) 1;3/4;1/2 '' VOLUME FLOW RATE 180 l/min Close UNSPSC/ECL@SS UNSPSC/ECL@SS CODE VALUE MAP-CLASSIFICATION-ECLASS-7.1 27292890 MAP-CLASSIFICATION-UNSPSC-21.0901 27131600 MAP-CLASSIFICATION-UNSPSC-22.0601 27131600 ECCMA-13.5 27131600 MAP-CLASSIFICATION-UNSPSC-STANDARD 40161504 ECLASS-10.0.1 27292890 ECLASS-10.1 27292890 ECLASS-10.1.CSV 27292890 ECLASS-11.0 51050190 ECLASS-5.1.4 27292890 ECLASS-511 27292802 ECLASS-602 27292802 ECLASS-7.0 27292890 ECLASS-7.1 27292890 ECLASS-8.0 27292890 ECLASS-8.1 27292890 UNSPSC-1301 40161504 UNSPSC-17.1001 27131600 UNSPSC-20.0601 27131600 UNSPSC-21.0901 27131600 UNSPSC-22.0601 27131600 ECCMA-13.5 27131600 23.0701 27131600 ECCMA-13.1 27131600 MAP-CLASSIFICATION-UNSPSC-9.0501-ECCMA-13.5 27131600

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